To the men who see themselves as a “rescuer” a hero

To Men

When you identify as a rescuer, the one who saves a “damsel in distress” you are not truly being in right relation. As her true protector and guardian it is for you to remember how to honor your own tenderness, to seek to heal your own misguided actions. To seek to heal the places that are still tender within you first.

When you have successfully held and honored and cared for your own tender feminine heart then you rise as a true guardian of the feminine Naturally & And effortlessly as being yourself.

The feminine does not need to be rescued. She needs to be heard. To be cared for with utter tenderness.

This is fiercely tender love.

Fierce devotional tenderness. 

A true hero/warrior/king does GREAT deeds & simply to be his highest self he does not seek to be acknowledged. This leads him to be the EMBODIMENT of the thing he’s doing. This is valor.

this is honor.

to do something great for the sake of doing great.

to be the transmission of courageous love.

She wants to be free and to be In Relationship with her you are sovereign and free to yourself. 

Bleed for her, cry for her, heal for her.

her is the earth, her is your body, her is the tender love that is you.

Do all of this for yourself
& for her.

Honor and fight and love your demons for her.

But not to her or with her.

The fight that is righteous is the fight for love to prevail.

Yet this fight does not require force.

It requires deep listening to the subtle voice within your own heart.


Don’t speak.





To life

To love 

To pure magic.

Intimate revival - 1 of many

Reflections on ASTEYA