ASTEYA : no stealing
What does asteya, or non- stealing, mean for you? What are some other ways to define it?
****MY reflections in the form of a poem****
Oh Great Creator make my hands clean.
Free me of the bondage of craving and suffering.
That I May I embody Asteya .
Thank you great creator.
Let me be so courageous as to share my gifts generously in the world.
And to have the wisdom to allow all I need in.
To deeply receive.
For stealing is any place of lack and imbalance, where one end is greater than the other.
Bring balance and healing to my hands and heart.
That I May know integrity of mind body and spirit..
I Wish to share my self and be generous.
Show me.
Thank you
I love you
Im sorry
Please forgive me
***********************end poem :)
NON STEALING - goes deeper than just simply “not taking from others” in the typical sense when you think of someone stealing another’s bicycle for example.
it also refers to way we hoard possessions and even our time, our affection, our love, or our gifts.
is there something you have been keeping inside? That longs be be expressed in the world?
Non stealing is even not stealing from yourself….yes deep shi*.
Are you being fully forthright with yourself, are you keeping parts of yourself separate from others or even yourself?
Are there parts of you locked in hidden secret cages being fed scraps to barely keep it alive?
There’s a beckoning to shine the light of the sun on your dreams and desires.
& to let yourself be seen.
The WORLD & The universe want your gifts and desires to be set free, to breathe the fresh air and tase of the nectar of love.
all of you wants to be shared, don’t be hoarding all that juicy love!
Did you know that your dreams want to be received by the world and so if you are keeping your hearts desires secret you are also in a sense “stealing” from the joy of others.
Where can you be more generous with your time, attention, energy & words?
Do you withhold affection when you want to give someone a hug?
Do you withhold expressing adoration for others out of fear of being misunderstood or rejected?
Do you steal from yourself by not following through on the gift of your own inspiration and joy?
Do you steal from your family by focusing on work too much and drowning in your own ambition “stealing” time from your children?
I know I have.
I encourage you to ponder this.
Commit today and all days to share and express the joy of my heart greet for all the world to bask in.
Fear is safe.
blessings beloveds.