“I am a Creativity enthusiast, Sacred Space Creator, Coach & Shamanic Healing Practicioner with a passionate love for the universe(which includes this earth), Sensual beauty, honest integrity, natural medicine and WHOLE PERSON WELLNESS.

I co-create with you transformational spaces/experiences for your highest evolution.

I believe all aspects of you are interconnected and we work comprehensively with what is most relevant for your journey at this time.

I offer powerful deep shamanic insight, journey work, inner self healing, relationship transformation & erotic evolution, Coaching for alignment with Body, Mind & spirit.

While working with me since i work in series of sessions this gives me an opportunity to support you more fully. WE will be able to deepen in to your personal work in the world and what your soul is calling forth from you in this NEW day. Each day is an opportunity to create anew to shift the script in your life for the better. I am here holding fierce devotion and loving compassion the entire time through the parts of you you like and the ones you feel shameful about. I am a safe space for witnessing all the aspects of you. Theres nothing that is too weird or too out their to be lovable & that’s what we will also be learning together… so much more as the Great Mystery guides us all home. Bless may we meet in grace all ways. Namaste”


Shannon has been studying healing her whole life.
Born into a family of alcoholism and unhealed inter generational trauma (like most people) is has always been a heart full study of hers the nature of love and the power of spirit to heal.

She was always connected to what some may call “the Spirit world” learning very early on to distinguish the difference between light and dark spirits and how they weave together.

Psychology and the nature of how trauma is passed down from parent to child, through cultural indoctrination & its intergenerational and collective nature (spanning many generations) has fascinated her.

Her intense desire to live a liberated life and break the generational patterns has motivated her to study in many modalities and schools of spiritual and physical healing.

Since birth She has envisioned a world of love and has been devoted to daily prayer as a form of service. She is deeply committed to her spiritual connection, healing journey and path of service.

Born in to deep trauma she has had to practice what She teaches as many of the skills She has developed were/are cultivated through her own need to heal herself.

She sees a world of peace for all and this is why She does this work.

She envisions & invokes a world Where all children know true love, safety and deep carefree joy and She works daily to align with this; that To be one example of where relational trauma stops and peace & love thrive.

She has studied with several schools & healing traditions(and every day continuing education for healing is constant, not stagnant). She Immersed herself in healing and self realization traditions fron east to west , with yogis, Shamanic teachers & Elders.
She has professional certifications in healing; energy work, bodywork, Holistic therapy & yoga, herbalism and shamanic teachings. She has studied Ayurveda and Chinese medicine and grass roots herbal medicine. She is a student of many forms of shamanism.
And has been unlearning the systems of oppression and relearning her soul gifts.

These trainings coupled with daily study of deep listening to the natural world is her practice.

🌈🧬🐞🍀❤️🌀“We all carry a seed of deep connection to all life & im here to assist you to remember & reclaim your own divine relationship with life in whatever ways I am able.

I study & learn from every moment, every person, every experience as my teacher & my connection to the essence of daily life…Inner Exploration, deep listening & living.

I believe we all hold key wisdom and I am here to help you ANCHOR fully into yours.

I have a mission to see the earth living in a heavenly way with compassion as the gatekeeper in all moments I tenderly walk this earth. And a part of that is to assist you in this way. To walk gracefully and with great respect for yourself & others.

I share soul medicine that helps activate the DNA & bring BIG CHANGES to your life.

This work is deeply transformational.

Many blessings.

Shannon (Asha) “

My story is still being Written…
