And for what , do we allow love to be our inspiration ? Will we open our hearts and sign, I let you free this heart in me. To swim in the universal song .
To what do I owe this pleasure?
may you find yourself so very whole. Wholly. Free.
I don’t know what y’all(men’s coaching industry) talking about when you share about this sexy new age man stuff .
The evolved masculine
The divine masculine etc
well some writings about evolving masculine…. I relate to. Like the sexy talks about woman’s desire . Peaks my curiosity in this sexually traumatized culture. Sex has so much charge for all.
Yet I crave to hear more.
it’s such a vulnerable place. A place where we are so deeply touched by life. Pleasure is such a gateway to liberation . well it can be.
let’s not condemn our learning process and evolution. Evolution implies continual.” it’s always evolving.
I see posts about knowing her desires and learning how to listen to her.
I melt a bit as my heart craves to be opened like a sweet magnolia flower.
And yet I’m with a man, who fumbles often and who cares deeply yet knows not all these skills.
This is a reminder to remember that love is why we do anything end everything and love comes in all shapes and sizes.
You can’t hide from love.
Even with learning how to listen to a woman.
That same skill, It could become a weapon if desired .
And so things like courage, they say “having heart” that can’t be taught. It bubbles up from within our innocence to speak of love.
To speak of who we truly are.
So I love me a tantricly practiced love partner.
And Tantra is not knowing how to “have sax a certain way”.
It’s merging with the divine in daily life. With the senses (aka life). I’d say mothers can become master Tantra teachers. Any who thats a longer part of the story.
Communion with life never said perfection.
Heaven never wrote down a list of qualities that “awakend” “sexy” people have, Or “things spiritual people do” list.
We created all the extra hoopla.
Life is colorful
Love is in every color
We must rise.
I started this post with the inspirational inner ramblings of considering the expectations I may have placed on men (unrealistic) based in the influence I’ve allowed from the men’s coaching industry(being I’ve dated men who have participated in it.
For example I dated a man who was coaching men with regards to being better loverS. While he was actively fumbling big time and we were not regularly having love making at this time.
we never know what area people’s struggles are.
Perhaps your a great lover but an aweful cook?
Who knows
I realize there are a lot of “high achieving”, intelligent, capable men in the world and there are equally as many shy, introverted, traumatized men.
And I’m curious if there is a redefining of what “man loving woman well” could look like in a world in which woman and men were truly rewriting their story to be equal to one another in the great circle of life.
Removing obstacles to seeing one another truly as perfect and whole in this now.we each possess masculine and feminine within.
I propose we start to listen to what’s true about the “evolving “masculine within woman as well as the budding/blooming feminine earning men and the blooming feminine within woman. And write that story.
A reality in which “Relationship” is about mutual evolution vs An idealized role play that is mostly fantasy infused with kinky sexual desires.
And to be said with that I feel it’s important -to aslo- aknowledge our sexual fantasies and desires and if we do to also inner-stand multidimensional reality so as to understand how we’re effecting creation in the world.
We are all sovereign.
I tend to speak for the underdog.
As I have been one many times .
I love all the men even if they don’t know the tactics or skills. Heart is medicine and I believe listening is an ever evolving practice.
Wether In conversation or in the bed room , listening is a special skill that brings such richness to everyone who’s involved. Bless your life