and ultimately i have no fucking clue about the future
even about my own state as a human being
for that matter
life shifts in a sea of unending and unpredictable possibilities.
I am but one in the infinite ocean of love & consciousness.
My self
who i experience myself to be
in this moment
is an unknowable and completely previously unforeseen tapestry of time.
I know the power of life to turn things inside out and upside down.
I know the power of life to rearrange itself in any given moment based on new information.
i believe in the power of humanity & human-kind to evolve beyond limitations defined by limited thinking and past conditioning & reach for the origin inside as a star in a galaxy vast and profoundly beautiful.
I know of love embodied so sweet it returned me to innocence.
I know of this in human form.
And this is Heaven on Earth.
NOw there have been flickers * glitches* moments of forgetfulness.
But we all will remember, one day.
That inside a star we were created and that star is magnificent just as it is.
perfect in its pure existence.