Healing Compassionately
Healing is the #1 most important focus point in my life.
Sure all my world aspirations are also great but what I have been for some time aware of, and am growing more acutely aware of during this time, is everyones need to deeply surrender, let go, and let healing happen.
Fighting for the dream, or the vision, or to get what we want, or to push an agenda, or to get our point across with great attachment is a part of us that is in great need for care and attention.
We must all learn to become more loving parents for our inner children.
So again, why healing???
Because…to all of us here who wish to see a new day… we can not co-create heaven on earth if we are incapable of co-existing in peace and harmony with one another.
So what does that mean.
Get to your shadow work.
There will always be something “more bad” than you outside in the world so there are infinite ideas of where to place the blame.
But really in UNITY we know that we are fully *sovereign*
*Meaning* we are fully responsible for our reaction to what happens in our lives.
Are you reactive, critical, judgmental & harsh?
Do you know the difference between when your anger is totally called for in a situation and when it’s not?
Do you love yourself ?
When you sit with who and what and where you are, being 100% honest the fact that you two fuck up sometimes and are in fact the asswhole most of the time to your own self and therefore others, do you accept that?
Can you walk forward with your head held high in esteem and love for yourself knowing that you are intrinsically lovable in all of this? Can you humbly smile in genuine compassion at the one who is having a hard day? Can you do this when that person is yourself? Can you extend that grace and understanding and compassion to yourself?
Its worth the time.
Forgiveness of self is the first step.