Deepening in to Unconditional Love
The Healing aspects of pleasure and how it can become a trap….
Pleasure is a healing force indeed.
It can have us experiencing euphoria, bliss, we might even experience “god” in our very bodies.
Sometimes extreme sensations of pleasure are just what a human needs to crack open and to be able to receive more divine love in the body…..
There can be a trap to this.
It can become distorted and turn to “pleasure seeking”.
This is a subtle trap.
Watch this…
How will you know?
Can you equally be still with all your pain and fully embrace that.
Not trying or attempting to “banish”, disregard, avoid or “fix” the pain.
Can you equally sit with no food, no water, no friends, no addictions able to be acted upon, no shelter…… just you, yourself and the presence of the divine all around you.
Can you notice that you are love..
And that pleasure is not the highest form of love …. But merely one aspect of love….
Can you ignite the rainbow spectrum within you by embracing all of the parts that you have been running away from for millennia. All the pain in your DNA. Sit with that. Bring love to that… I guarantee that it will not always be “pleasurable” in the moment.
BUt that’s not the point… Again that’s an over idealized version of “heaven on earth”.
True “heaven on earth” also embodies, honors and loves the divine death process.
It honors that heaven on earth is NOT I repeat is NOT going to come from somewhere “out there”.
Again that’s the patriarchal idea of “heaven”.
And this “vision” has clouded our vision with illusion.
No addiction will get ya the real fix of deep soul fullfillment.
The illusion that heaven is a place “out there”.
If we are alive on the planet right now and we desire heaven on earth… guess what… we are the ones who are here to create it..
So get off the lazy horse and start loving NOW with allllllllllll YOUVVEEEEEE GOTTTTT
Its the only way.
And LOVE Is bigger than all superficial arguments , or personalities, or disagreements.
And when you stop focusing on your petty discords you’ll get to the real source of your discomfort and then you will have the opportunity to sit with your self as you are and focus your love on yourself…
We all need this time to bring love to the places that have been kept hidden from us by us…just waiting to be loved fully..
Love is the medicine.
And no one outside will be able to bring you the healing love you so crave unless you truly drop your defenses and let it in.
It is no ones job to love you to wholeness.
Because love is already whole.
Its you a “individual” human who must choose to be that for yourself.
Bring love & presence NOW.